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Curitiba’s carnival

Versions in Portuguese (português) and Spanish (Castellano / español)

Hi everybody!

After a vacation time, we’re back!

Brazil is known around the world as the country of carnival, but it doesn’t mean that you will find the festival in any brazilian city. Curitiba can’t be considered a touristic carnival place. On this season, the city is more a refuge for those who want to relax and make cultural programs than for those who are looking for great celebrations, crowds and luxurious parades like in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Priscila Forone / Gazeta do Povo
Zombies and undead people parade during the carnival.

Calm down. Say that Curitiba has no tradition on carnival would be wrong. The city also has its samba schools, a modest parade on Candido de Abreu Avenue and parties in clubs in the city. A soft schedule. We can conclude that “the country of carnival” isn’t here in Curitiba when we see how the city is empty during the holiday. Incidentally, do not be alarmed if you find undead people and zombies walking around the Curitiba’s Historic Center on the carnival day. It’s not Halloween. It’s just the Zombie Walk.

All these information does not mean that the people who live in Curitiba don’t like parties. Yes, they do!

As people travel during the carnival, the Sundays afternoons preceding the festival are usually marked by the party led by the pre-carnival group Garibaldis and Sacis. A crowd gathers into Largo da Ordem to enjoy carnival songs, drink and dance and be prepared for the big party. Garibaldis and Sacis was established in 1998 and its name is an allusion to the path idealized by the group – from Saccy Bar to the Garibaldi Square.

Antônio More / Gazeta do Povo
Thousands of people enjoy the pre-carnival in the Historical Center of Curitiba.

So, the tip is: If you like crowded parties, come to Curitiba on weekends before carnival. During the holiday, come here to have peace!

Garibaldis e Sacis
The pre-carnival takes place in Largo da Ordem, on Sundays afternoons that precede the carnival. There is no official calendar. You need to be informed about the news from the group. The easiest way is following its page on Facebook.

Zombie Walk 2012
February 19th (Sunday). Concentration at 1 pm on General Osorio Square. The walk begins at 2 pm toward the San Francisco ruins. The schedule has some bands presentation: Radio Cadaver, Mary Lee & The Side Burn Brother and Sapatos Bicolores.

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