| Foto: Christian Rizzi

Quinoa, stevia and forestry products are some of the items with great economic potential. Each year these products gain a larger space within the agribusiness and encourage more investments from the private sector.


According to the representative of Bolivia’s Agriculture Ministry, Víctor Hugo Vásquez, the quinoa can be used in all kinds of dishes. “It is food for the whole world. It is eaten everywhere, by astronauts at the NASA, and also in Spain."

Vásquez further explained that quinoa is currently grown on a total 131,000 hectares with an annual harvest of 95,000 tonnes of which 20,000 are for domestic consumption. Bolivia’s current exports of quinoa represent 80 million dollars.


On the side of Paraguay, the stevia, which is cultivated in Amambay, was presented as a natural sweetener with zero calories and low glycemic index. "It can be consumed by diabetics", the Paraguayan representative Javier Casaccia explained. This herb reported earnings of 1.4 million dollars to the country, with China being its biggest buyer as it demands 44% of the production.