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 | Christian Rizzi
| Foto: Christian Rizzi

Miguel Almada, official of the Ministry of Agriculture of Argentina and head of the National Biofuels Program, described the energy matrix of the six countries in the region (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay) by mentioning that all of them have ongoing plans for increasing the share of renewable energies.

Likewise, he noted that the global ethanol production quadruples that of biodiesel. As for the use of renewable energy, Almada explained that Brazil leads the region as this kind of energies represent up to 45% of its matrix, mostly led by hydropower and ethanol. As for Argentina, the official mentioned that it still depends on hydrocarbons (90%), while renewable energies only represent 10% of the share of its matrix. Almada also referred to the large number of biodiesel plants set within a radius of 300 km around the ports located in the Greater Rosario area, which facilitates exportation. In addition, he presented the “Probiomasa” project, whose goal is to add value by turning waste and agricultural by-products into heat energy.

Finally, Almada mentioned the steady progress that Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay have been making in order to incorporate bioenergy in their matrices. Chile is currently using 25% of renewable energy, while Uruguay and Paraguay are using 50% and 80% respectively.


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