Encontre matérias e conteúdos da Gazeta do Povo
Fórum de Agricultura

Stephanes warns about (mis) information in the agribusiness (ENGLISH)

 | Christian Rizzi
(Foto: Christian Rizzi)

To Stephanes Brazil is currently dominated by a urban mindset and consequently a state of misinformation regarding agricultural issues on both the population and the government. According to the latest census of 2010, at least 85 percent of the Brazilian population lives in urban centers.

Likewise, Stephanes defended the need for the Brazilian agribusiness sector to work on a positive agenda and seek to establish what’s necessary to satisfy the demand and solve any problems found.

The roundtable also included the presence of Giovani Ferreira, who’s the Coordinator of Gazeta do Povo Agribusiness and responsible for organizing the Forum and "Expediçao Safra"-a technical and journalistic survey of grain production. On his turn, Ferreira remarked the importance of the Forum and Expedition Safra as scenarios for discussion and information exchange between the various links in the production chain.


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