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Leia os títulos das canções que integram o álbum Love:

"Because""Get Back""Glass Onion"" Eleanor Rigby/Julia (Transition)""I Am the Walrus"" I Want to Hold Your Hand""Drive My Car/The Word/What You’re Doing""Gnik Nus""Something/Blue Jay Way (Transition)""Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite!/I Want You (She’s So Heavy)/Helter Skelter""Help!" "Blackbird/Yesterday""Strawberry Fields Forever""Within You Without You/Tomorrow Never Knows""Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds""Octopus’s Garden""Lady Madonna" "Here Comes the Sun/The Inner Light (Transition)""Come Together/Dear Prudence/Cry Baby Cry (Transition)" "Revolution""Back in the U.S.S.R.""While My Guitar Gently Weeps""A Day in the Life""Hey Jude""Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)" "All You Need Is Love".

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