Encontre matérias e conteúdos da Gazeta do Povo

Find out about who is involved in a murder investigation

The Crime SceneMilitary Police officers are first to reach the crime scene to preserve the area and safeguard evidences. Police chiefs and investigators from the Homicide Unit also visit the crime scene where they obtain statements from witnesses and relatives of the victim. They are followed by criminal experts who analyze evidences and pick up information. Members of the forensic medical institute collect the corpse.

The Police UnitsThe Homicide Unit sets up an inquiry to investigate the crime. The police chief summons relatives and witnesses to testify. Investigators start their field work to search for information. The results of the necropsy and the crime scene exams, when ready, are forwarded by the scientific police. All these documents will be attached to the inquiry.

The Public Prosecutor OfficeThe Civil Police is given thirty days to investigate the crime - when its author is not arrested on the spot. After this deadline, the inquiry is handed to the Public Prosecutor Office), which can grant 90 additional days to conclude the investigation. Once this deadline expires, the inquiry must return to the prosecutors for a new analysis. This back and forth exchange can be repeated continuously.

The JudiciaryAfter identifying the author of the crime, the promoter will order the Public Prosecutor Office to lodge an official complaint against the suspect at the judiciary. The complaint is sent to a judge who has the power to accept or deny it. If accepted, the complaint will turn into a lawsuit and will go through several stages at the judiciary, until the final sentence, which defines if the suspect is guilty or innocent.

The ArchivesAn inquiry may go on for years without coming to a conclusion. In this case, the police chief may report this fact to the Public Prosecutor Office, stating that it will not further investigate the crime. Therefore, the Public Prosecutor Office will order the judge to file the case. If needed, the case can be reopened in the future.

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