6 felizes
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O ato mais antipatriota! Paulo Coelho incita o boicote dos produtos exportados do Brasil, tal qual seus livros estão inclusos. pic.twitter.com/LoJajs98L3
— Pátria Amada Brasil (@PatriaAmada_Br) September 14, 2020
Bücherverbrennung a la Tupiniquim pic.twitter.com/Yr3aEQfQF1
— Paulo Coelho (@paulocoelho) September 14, 2020
— APIB oficial (@ApibOficial) September 2, 2020
The Association of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (@apiboficial) asks all citizens, governments and companies around the world “Which side are you on: Amazon or Bolsonaro?” pic.twitter.com/ajZKQluQvr
Dear @LeoDiCaprio Brazil is launching “Adopt1Park” preservation project which allows you or any other company or individual to pick one of the 132 Parks in the Amazon and directly sponsor it at 10 Euros per hectare per year. Are you going to put your money where your mouth is? https://t.co/VMG817oUX8
— Ricardo Salles MMA (@rsallesmma) September 10, 2020