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Blog Turistando begins today with a special tour on the Iguazu Falls, located on West Paraná and one of the most visited tourist sites in Brazil. On the next weeks you are going to know why the falls are between the candidates for the 7 Natural Wonders in the World. This first video shows some flashes of the Iguazu National Park and asks you to vote!
The election’s deadline is next Friday. To choose the falls as one of the 7 Natural Wonders in the World, access www.votecataratas.com and vote! Help us with this campaign.
Stay connected to the blog. On the next weeks you are going to watch several videos about the Iguazu Falls, Iguazu Park and other attractions that could be visited on Foz do Iguaçu, one of the main cities of Paraná. The videos will show the Macuco Safari (a boat ride through the falls), a helicopter tour, the Bird Park, the trails of the Iguazu National Park and also a visit to the nearby town of Puerto Iguazú, in Argentina. Do not miss!
Turistando went to Foz do Iguaçu invited by the Hotel das Cataratas and the Foz do Iguassu Convention & Visitors Bureau.
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