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Tourist information on the streets

If you get lost in Curitiba with no maps to help you, or if you’re looking for tourist information office, restaurant or theater, without knowing the address or phone number, don’t worry. There are in Curitiba some multimedia totems that help tourists and residents to get informations about the city, addresses and places’ schedules.

There are 71 totems in the city: they are placed in some sidewalks, bus stations, health centers and landmarks. They’re on operation from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

The concept of the street’s informative computers was born in 2006 and since then they have already accounted around 12 million hits.

The computer has no keyboard, it’s built with a touch screen surface. In addition to major sights, computers also inform buses’ schedules.

Totems are easily identified on the streets — they are a gray high column, with a computer attached and the word “Curitiba” written on it. If you want to see how the system works, watch the video and have a good navigation!

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